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I am really excited to lead you through FSW's newest signature offering; Feminine Leadership 

1:1 Strategy Sessions


Within these sessions I make the commitment to show up as fullest expression of myself, I will not hold anything back because I don't want you to either. 


Together, we form a path of Feminine Leadership that values intuition, collaboration, nurturance, and creativity, alongside the masculine energies of doing and achieving - enabling you to live a life of harmony, meaning, and fulfillment. 



1:1 Strategy Sessions
...take ownership of your life...


These Feminine Leadership Strategy Sessions are about taking up space in this world as your most authentic self and to start creating and receiving the life you truly want to live.


This is about standing in your power; recognizing and valuing your own strengths, abilities, and the vision you have for your own life. It involves claiming your life as your own and actively working towards achieving personal and professional goals. It also means understanding and working towards breaking down the barriers that hold you back from reaching a fuller potential within your life, such as limiting beliefs, self-doubt, attachment to old patterns, and societal expectation.


Each session is customized for you based off of your application (learn more below). You have the power to choose which area of your life needs tending to, and I will prescribe your medicine; spiritual practices, daily routine, organization techniques, mindset work, business building tools, and more.


These sessions will help you create your own destiny, and step into the version of yourself that you are truly meant to be. 


Are you ready to shake things up and step into your personal revolution?


Your life is craving a YES  from you - let's make it happen.



who want mentorship in beginning or expanding their conscious wellness business so they can create an empowering space for others while leaving a positive impact on this world. (i.e bringing your new vision / project to life, leading retreats, creating offerings, building their clientele, etc)


who want to deepen their overall teaching skills, confidently lead classes, workshops, private sessions, build or expand their conscious yoga business, or become more clear on their values, mission, and why.


who want to deepen their practice physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually and lead themselves based off who they truly are at the core of their being.


who want to develop the necessary skills to live a healthy, balanced life in order to prevent or heal burn out and feel more fulfilled within their work and life. I.e, time management, scheduling, self-care practices, tools to improve efficiency, and more. OR if you are working a new project that you would like my help / feedback on, these sessions are perfect for developing and marketing your new vision.


who feel stuck in some way or another and are ready & willing to move beyond it and return to their personal power.

Mare Harris,

coaching client

“There are so many wonderful practices in this program that are gentle but powerful. Through writing reflections and meditation I was able to create a more productive and personal self-care and self-love practice. I was able to face and uproot my fears, shame, and bad habits and create space for love, gratitude, and mindfulness in my daily life. I work-shopped permanent daily habits with Carole to help me succeed in so many aspects of my crazy and dysregulated life that are doable and sustainable for the long-term. I'm super grateful to have taken the leap and done this program as it has helped me tremendously in my self-growth and independence as a young adult.”

Nicole Lewis,

private yoga client

"After several months, I am grateful that the safe space Carole created has allowed me to not only regain my confidence in my yoga abilities, but also help to reset my frame of mind to reinforce the importance of holistic wellness. I am also excited to  be taking my practice to the next level this Fall at one of Carole’s yoga retreats in Costa Rica! I highly recommend anyone looking to re-engage or expand their practice, to start their journey with Carole!"

Jami Hayes

yoga + coaching

private client

"Just like I chose to invest my money in Carole, she invested herself in me and in return changed not only my physical practice but changed me as a person! When I reflect on these 6 weeks, I feel so much fulfillment and gratitude. I feel proud of myself because I completed a training that is physically demanding but more than that, mentally and spiritually demanding – and I showed up for myself every day! None of this was possible without Carole. I tried for many years to create a yoga practice and breath work practice for myself, nothing seemed to stick for me until I invested my time and money in Carole."


There are four steps to these strategy sessions which are outlined below:

Image by Hester Qiang
STEP 1 //

This form consists of 10 questions which will help me customize our session specifically for you. *Please take your time with this, you are worth the time and energy.

Image by Peter Fogden
STEP 2 //

I'll deep dive into the information you provided and come prepared with ideas that I believe will serve you best for where you currently are, and desire to go.

Image by Ian Schneider
STEP 3 //

This 60 minute zoom call will be our opportunity to connect 1:1, address your application and goals, dive deeper into where you are looking for support, and receive coaching from me.

Image by Peter Conlan
STEP 4 //

After our call, you will receive a follow up email which will contain your own personal strategy with action steps, spiritual practices, tools and techniques, and resources to implement. This will be designed to help you accomplish the goals we discussed, and help you feel more clear, confident, and empowered within your life.

Let's Work Together!

Select how you would like to work together below. Whether it's one call to get you started, or a package to support you longer - there is something for you. Each option is customizable so you can get the most of our time together and focus on what you truly want and need.


1 Session | $333

All four steps from 'How It Works'
1) Application
2) Prep Work
3) 1:1 Call
4) Strategy


**This session is great for someone who needs a loving  nudge of motivation and direction in order to kickstart their personal revolution! You are someone who is driven and can go for miles from a simple strategy that you trust will continue to blossom and expand within your life.


1 Package | $999

- 4 Sessions scheduled when you want within a 5 month time frame
Unlimited email access up until our 4th session

-Weekly check-ins from me via email for your personal accountability

-Feedback on what you're creating / working on

-Access to my private youtube page of Yoga Practices

-Fill Your Cup Mini Course, self-paced guided practices to move through your days with deeper connection, purpose, and love. ($111 value)

-VIP access + offers to new

FSW Offerings


**This package is great for someone looking for longterm motivation and accountability within your life goals. You may know where you want to go, however, you are unsure of the how and know it will take some time and patience to understand and implement it. You also want some additional self-care practices to sustain you along the way and help you become the best version of yoursef.

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Carole Frey Keefer



  • University of Salamanca Business Program; Spain 2012

  • Wisdom Tours Abroad: Buddhist Philosophy; India 2013 & Cambodia 2014

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management; Castleton University 2014

  • 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikul Yogshala, Nepal 2014

  • Creator of Free Spirited Wanderer, Yoga & Wellness Business; 2017

  • Student of Johnna Smith; 2017-Present

  • 300 hr Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikul Yogshala, India 2018

  • Ashtanga Yoga Apprenticeship; Ashtanga Yoga School 2018-2019

  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher, 2019

  • Marma Training, Para Yoga, Carbondale, CO; 2019

  • Yoga & Social Justice 25 hour Immersion; 2021

  • Bloom, Personal Development Course, 2021 Graduate

  • Yoga Business Ascension; 2021 Graduate

  • Conscious Babe Business School with Natalia Benson; 2022 

  • 200hr Yoga Teacher Training, Y2 Yoga; 2022

  • Four Desires Online Course, Para Yoga; 2023

  • lululemon Amabssador; 2024

Carole has dedicated the past 8 years of her life to building her business, Free Spirited Wanderer, by becoming the best yoga teacher, student and entrepreneur she can be. 


She has completed multiple Yoga Trainings, Buddhist Philosophy Studies and Business Courses all over the world and virtually. 


She has been leading sold out retreats since 2017, has created a proven strategy for private yoga sessions, facilitates her own signature women's lifestyle coaching program, leads a yoga teacher mentorship to help teachers create and thrive within their own conscious business, and now is excited to be offering these Feminine Leadership sessions to help others live a truly meaningful, and fulfilling life in alignment with their most authentic self.


Carole’s overall mission as a yoga teacher is to help more people take yoga off the mat and live it as it was intended, a lifestyle. Carole helps others live their ideal lifestyle with ancient and modern technologies of yoga, ayurveda, and lifestyle coaching. Her offerings contain the tools and techniques that have transformed many lives, hers included, and it is her mission to pass this wisdom onto you now.


She is here to empower you to live your biggest, brightest and boldest life, and believes it starts with a yoga practice, and lives within you for the rest of your days.

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